- ladyevedomme
#TeethingDoesntHaveToBite with Infants’ Advil! Click here for $1.50 coupon http://t.co/Hk3Gj5ovOx #FreeSample http://t.co/Q5PgBDol8L
06-26 12:54I received Infants Advil from Smiley 360 FOR FREE to try it and I used it with the little ones here http://t.co/gla2bMVYHA
06-26 12:51#TeethingDoesntHaveToBite w Infants’ Advil #FreeSampl #TeethingDoesntHaveToBite with Infants’ Advil #FreeSample http://t.co/67ZaBZpGET
06-26 12:38RT @Smiley360: Check out this brochure for great tips on keeping your pool looking it's best: http://t.co/fvYkdNZw8s #AmazingBakingSoda
06-26 04:13Try our Easy BBQ Chicken Pizza made with fresh @PerdueChicken. #PerdueCrew #promotion - http://t.co/STM0gyJKgw http://t.co/Tz6C395xp1
06-26 02:00Have #HighCholesterol and afraid you may get #HeartDisease or #Stroke? Learn about this #ClinicalTrial:http://t.co/F2QKJ2Kt2P #CureClick
06-26 01:51NEW #ClinicalTrial available for those with #HighCholesterol and at risk for #HeartDisease. Learn more: #CureClick http://t.co/F2QKJ2Kt2P
06-26 01:50Please Share: NEW #ClinicalTrial for #HighCholesterol for people currently on Cholesterol meds. Check out details: http://t.co/F2QKJ2Kt2P
06-26 01:50Please RT: #HighCholesterol drug #ClinicalTrial evaluating #HeartDisease and #Stroke. Do you qualify? #CureClickCares http://t.co/F2QKJ2Kt2P
06-26 01:50Have #HighCholesterol? NEW #ClinicalTrials to evaluate #HeartDisease or #Stroke! Check your eligibility. http://t.co/F2QKJ2Kt2P #CureClick
06-26 01:49
Please RT: NEW #ClinicalTrial for people w/ #HighCholesterol and at risk for #HeartDisease or #Stroke: #CureClick http://t.co/F2QKJ2Kt2P
06-26 01:49#ProstateCancer NEW #ClinicalTrial! See if you qualify for the study. http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3 #CureClickCares
06-26 01:421 in 7 men will have #ProstateCancer during their lifetime. Help #endCancer participate in #ClinicalTrials http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3 #CureClick
06-26 01:42#ProstateCancer is the 2nd most diagnosed #cancer globally. Participate in #ClinicalTrials to help: http://t.co/zgF76VzdTt
06-26 01:42NEW #ProstateCancer #ClinicalTrial available to assess preventing or slowing recurrence. See if you qualify: http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3
06-26 01:41NEW #ProstateCancer #ClinicalTrial available! Complete short survey to check eligibility: http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3
06-26 01:32Have #ProstateCancer? New study drug is available in #ClinicalTrial in 60 US cities http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3 #CureClickCares
06-26 01:31Help #ProstateCancer patients w/ #CureClickCares and support research by participating in #ClinicalTrials: http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3 #CureClick
06-26 01:31I support #CureClickCares increasing awareness for #ProstateCancer. You can participate in #ClinicalTrials to help! http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3
06-26 01:31Please RT: Help #endCancer New #ClinicalTrial for people w/ Stage 4 non-small cell #LungCancer http://t.co/GcXlSySXfv #CureClickCares
06-26 01:27NEW #ClinicalTrial for Stage 4 Non-Small Cell #LungCancer. w/ No Placebo http://t.co/GcXlSySXfv #CureClickCares
06-26 01:27Investigational Medicine for Non-Small Cell #LungCancer in #ClinicalTrials. See if u qualify: http://t.co/GcXlSySXfv #CureClickCares
06-26 01:27Have #Asthma? #Inhaler not working? Participate in a #ClinicalTrial that will evaluate new medication for Asthma: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT
06-26 01:26#ClinicalTrial available for those suffering from #Asthma! Treatment is free for trial participants: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #CureClickCares
06-26 01:26Please share this important #ClinicalTrial if you know someone w/ #Asthma and is looking for new treatment http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #CureClick
06-26 01:26New #ClinicalTrial available for people w/ Mild or Moderate #Asthma. Please share: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #CureClickCares
06-26 01:25Are you using an inhaler for your #Asthma http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #CureClickCares
06-26 01:25Please RT! New #Asthma #ClinicalTrial available for those suffering from mild or moderate asthma: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #CureClickCares
06-26 01:25Please help share: #Asthma #ClinicalTrial seeking participants w/ mild or moderate asthma: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #CureClickCares
06-26 01:24Inhaler not working for your #Asthma? New study drug in #ClinicalTrial in the US: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #CureClickCares
06-26 01:24NEW #Asthma #ClinicalTrial option available if you have mild or moderate Asthma and use an inhaler: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT
06-26 01:23#Asthma is a lifelong disease. There are NEW #ClinicalTrials to explore potential medications. Learn more: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT
06-26 01:23Have #Asthma? NEW study drug hopes to improve lung function and overall symptoms of Asthma. Learn more: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT
06-26 01:23Have mild or moderate #Asthma? New study drug available if you use an inhaler. US Only #ClinicalTrial: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT
06-26 01:23
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