- ladyevedomme
Complete your cookout with these must haves from @PerdueChicken #PerdueCrew #Promotion - https://t.co/HxXe74SB2t https://t.co/TBRlv0Y1Sm
05-30 11:44
- ladyevedomme
You've never had chicken and waffles like this #PerdueCrew @PerdueChicken #Promotion - https://t.co/iQit7XSsvF https://t.co/imlcASg6vM
05-25 05:14
- ladyevedomme
Join me on PINCHme https://t.co/ASSRiko9qO
05-24 05:03
- ladyevedomme
Enjoy !! Yummy! https://t.co/JU4IeTveaH
05-20 09:03
- ladyevedomme
Get fired up & master the flame in 60 seconds! @PerdueChicken #Promotion #PerdueCrew - https://t.co/Ssk0bxKkx4... https://t.co/1kQ56eAUGt
05-19 23:19Get fired up & master the flame in 60 seconds! @PerdueChicken #Promotion #PerdueCrew - https://t.co/Ssk0bxKkx4 https://t.co/1RMZd07eDa
05-19 23:17One way my daughter ia racking up making good money and building her business! https://t.co/5hAxx7ZZOk
05-19 22:32
- ladyevedomme
I just bought: 'VitaFusion Calcium with Vitamin D3 - 2 100 Count Bottles - 200 Gummies Total' by... via @amazon https://t.co/ZWjniPuJcA
05-18 19:41
- ladyevedomme
DO NOT MISS OUT!https://t.co/DzgAhMpv0lSchoola has raised their sign up credit back... https://t.co/0vhCTZT2fN
05-17 02:24DO NOT MISS OUT!https://t.co/DzgAhMpv0lSchoola has raised their sign up credit back... https://t.co/yyDjjYOlBE
05-17 02:24Prep once. Eat for the week w/ Sunday Funday guide @PerdueChicken #Promotion #PerdueCrew - https://t.co/tcez8PL5Ip https://t.co/63gUXPCP5z
05-17 02:16
- ladyevedomme
Upgrade your grilling go-tos with @PerdueChicken #Promotion #PerdueCrew - https://t.co/BakI7t0TtD https://t.co/BygvI8byGU
05-12 07:15
- ladyevedomme
Skip the buffet for a @PerdueChicken #frittata w/ Kalamata olives #PerdueCrew #promotion - https://t.co/pgVouIkcM7 https://t.co/jqqxLAmyC1
05-09 03:10
- ladyevedomme
Prove your #mojo w/ this grilled Mojo @PerdueChicken recipe! #promotion #PerdueCrew - https://t.co/EHTuPVhkTU https://t.co/nPxNwugfqJ
05-07 08:09Post your favorite YA quotes on Twitter using #IQuoteYA #Entry for a chance to win! - https://t.co/XBnCntR39l https://t.co/Wlyns9hFx9
05-07 02:05
- ladyevedomme
Post a photo of the books that made you fall in love with YA using #TBT #IreadYA #Entry - https://t.co/neIOasiAWz https://t.co/c3Qqzh3n6z
05-06 04:52
- ladyevedomme
Show us your #BookBetrayal using #BookBetrayal #Entry for a chance to win! #IreadYA - https://t.co/tERrv6Sl2c https://t.co/kXe03mFxhr
05-05 00:19
- ladyevedomme
Show us your #TBR pile on Twitter or Instagram using #TBR #IreadYA #Entry to enter to win - https://t.co/bUEHpaIqNW https://t.co/V7aQOiMIIV
05-04 02:17
- ladyevedomme
#IReadYA Week 2015 - Enter to Win - undefined - https://t.co/dvmKRwqB5w https://t.co/3OarlJWwr9
05-03 01:39
- ladyevedomme
Search Bing. Earn free rewards. https://t.co/ofVcYey3xT
05-01 19:46I’m on the list to score a FREE @VictoriasSecret Body Lotion & you can be too: https://t.co/jhTtIUCUWp https://t.co/vcqAeoMmh2
05-01 18:20I’m on the list to score a FREE @VictoriasSecret Body Lotion & you can be too: https://t.co/GOoUhzPONk https://t.co/nNit4wnjbv
05-01 18:20I’m on the list to score a FREE @VictoriasSecret Body Lotion & you can be too: https://t.co/jhTtIUCUWp
05-01 18:20I’m on the list to score a FREE @VictoriasSecret Body Lotion & you can be too: https://t.co/rMrvZmjl19 https://t.co/OLAVbKufp9
05-01 18:19I’m on the list to score a FREE @VictoriasSecret Body Lotion & you can be too: https://t.co/GOoUhzPONk https://t.co/s43Zd6JF5B
05-01 18:19I’m on the list to score a FREE @VictoriasSecret Body Lotion & you can be too: https://t.co/rMrvZmjl19
05-01 18:19I’m on the list to score a FREE @VictoriasSecret Body Lotion & you can be too: https://t.co/4CVcx4GaWW https://t.co/797G5Liesx
05-01 18:19I’m on the list to score a FREE @VictoriasSecret Body Lotion & you can be too: https://t.co/GOoUhzPONk https://t.co/ctJTQe4OPg
05-01 18:19I’m on the list to score a FREE @VictoriasSecret Body Lotion & you can be too: https://t.co/4CVcx4GaWW
05-01 18:19
- ladyevedomme
Dinner = solved w/ 5 ingredient Chicken Salsa Verde #PerdueCrew @PerdueChicken #Promotion - https://t.co/U0Y1CbhHWD https://t.co/kAm1RiNVZm
04-30 05:35