- ladyevedomme
Please RT: NEW #ClinicalTrial for people w/ #HighCholesterol and at risk for #HeartDisease or #Stroke: http://t.co/F2QKJ2Kt2P #findacure
06-05 23:25#Asthma in the US is increasing and we need new treatments! There is a Severe Asthma #ClinicalTrial available: http://t.co/NABErZissK
06-05 23:19Have Severe #Asthma? New #ClinicalTrial available. Fill out short survey to see if you're eligible: http://t.co/NABErZissK #CureClick
06-05 23:19#ProstateCancer is the 2nd most diagnosed #cancer globally. Participate in #ClinicalTrials to help: http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3
06-05 23:18#ProstateCancer NEW #ClinicalTrial! See if you qualify for the study. http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3
06-05 23:17#ProstateCancer NEW #ClinicalTrial! See if you qualify for the study. http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3 #CureClick #Findacure
06-05 23:00Have #ProstateCancer? New study drug is available in #ClinicalTrial in 60 US cities http://t.co/zgF76VQPi3 #CureClick #Findacure
06-05 23:00#Type2Diabetes #ClinicalTrial available in Florida, Nebraska, N Carolina, S Carolina, Texas. See if you qualify: http://t.co/40IocxecCy
06-05 22:37US only #ClinicalTrial is looking for participants with #Type2Diabetes. See if you qualify: http://t.co/40IocxecCy #findacure #CureClick
06-05 22:37Inhaler not working for your #Asthma? New study drug in #ClinicalTrial in the US: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #CureClick
06-05 22:17
#ClinicalTrial available for those suffering from #Asthma! Treatment is free for trial participants: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #findacure
06-05 22:16Inhaler not working for your #Asthma? New study drug in #ClinicalTrial in the US: http://t.co/QCHf7yWcaT #ClickCure
06-05 22:16Have #HighCholesterol? NEW #ClinicalTrials to evaluate #HeartDisease or #Stroke! Check your eligibility. http://t.co/F2QKJ2Kt2P #CureClick
06-05 22:12NEW #ClinicalTrial available for those with #HighCholesterol and at risk for #HeartDisease. Learn more: http://t.co/F2QKJ2Kt2P #CureClick
06-05 22:11I'm going to the #TrulyRadiant Twitter party on Tuesday, June 9 at 2pm EST/ 1pm CST/ 11am PST! http://t.co/qDpk66OQyV
06-05 09:47Enter Perdue's Yummer Summer Sweeps! NoPrchNcsry. See Rules. #PerdueCrew #promotion - http://t.co/HiqpDqJDLN http://t.co/DUOzfL82VQ
06-05 05:50
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