- ladyevedomme
Start your day with @Juicepresso’s melon banana shake, packed with essential #nutrients - http://t.co/kfK02VSafw http://t.co/IGFlrbqGQk
05-08 05:47I applied to host the Daisy Squeeze a Dollop House Party #DaisySqueezeParty #Sponsored: http://t.co/HS9pZVIxFE
05-08 05:20I'm going to the #LaundryLife Twitter party on Wednesday, 5/13 at 2pm ET/1pm CT/ 11am PT! http://t.co/fe4KqlxOhL
05-08 05:11RSVP for the #BvilleFilmFest Twitter Party Thursday 5/7 at 8pm ET w/ @SheSpeaksUp & @BvilleFilmFest http://t.co/uPxvYRYYUd via @shespeaksup
05-08 05:09Join me at the #BvilleFilmFest Twitter Party w/ @SheSpeaksUp & @BvilleFilmFest TONIGHT 5/7 8pm ET! http://t.co/RAUvVDGbzV
05-08 05:08I need a new laptop for my daughter, hubby and me to use. We are doing product reviews and using coupons! Help us to buy your product!
05-08 05:03RT @aprilx0x: I just got this coupon for an instant $15 off Glade products! Get yours NOW! http://t.co/iFJsCS8UE9 @joshvaughan70 @ladyeved…
05-08 05:01RT @aprilx0x: @MomCentral check it out momma!! @ladyevedomme where r u at woman? #TimelessSkin
05-08 05:01RT @aprilx0x: @dawnchats @Dove @SamsClub that would be awesome for my mom @ladyevedomme #beautystory
05-08 05:01RT @aprilx0x: #FreebieFriday #LoveLorion @ladyevedomme @joshvaughan70 http://t.co/YEBAWidDej
05-08 05:00
RT @aprilx0x: @iamthemaven @PhancyPheet ~> love you @ladyevedomme <~
05-08 05:00RT @aprilx0x: @wisebread my mom ~> @ladyevedomme <~ best mom ever!!
05-08 05:00Is there any way to see who is following me and if I am following them TOO without going through every one of my followers???
05-08 04:58I need a new printer for my daughter, hubby and myself since we are doing product reviews and using coupons! Help us to buy your product!
05-08 04:54
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